Adam’s Analytics Adventure: Week 5

View from the hill, 1 month ago.

View from the castle, 1 month ago.

I started working for Measurelab a month ago today (has it really been that long?) and fortunately I’m still really enjoying myself. However, it’s no longer the urgent excitement of oh boy! I have a job, like a grown-up! but a rather more comfortable groove of ahhh, spreadsheets and analysis, this is a jolly pleasant thing to get paid to do, and as everything stops being so new and shiny, and I can’t find novelty value in writing about the stuff I’m doing (or am prevented by the fact that all the interesting details are in some way tied up with confidential informations about a client) the format of my weekly updates here is going to shift a bit1. I’m envisioning something a bit like the old Berg weeknotes but we’ll see what happens. I also have some ideas for other things to do with the blog, but we’ll see where we get with that.

As it happens, this week has been a bit quiet on the anecdotes front – lots of plugging away on spreadsheets, chopping and changing and fixing and mending. The only really interesting thing was, as I mentioned would happen last time, I graduated on Monday2:

the one in the silly hat is me, the short one is my mum. picture taken by pillar of the UK elearning community (and my dad) <a href="" Rob Englebright</a>

the one in the silly hat is me, the short one is my mum. picture taken by pillar of the UK elearning community (and my dad) Rob Englebright

So, I’m now Adam Englebright B.Sc. (Hons) Farewell, academia3, you’ve been great fun.


A month’s worth of coffee habit! However, due to the half-day on Monday, I was only in 4 days this week, and only had had one coffee a day (2 Vanillo, 2 Cioccatino). Is this backsliding?

Today's Vanillo. Eagle-eyed observers will notice Greg Rucka and Russell Dauterman's Cyclops #3 in the corner of the shot

Today’s Vanillo. Eagle-eyed observers will notice Greg Rucka and Russell Dauterman’s Cyclops #3 in the corner of the shot

It’s been a good month, all told. Right now, though, I’ve got to return an overdue library book and eat a burger. Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back with more coffee and nonsense next week. Over and out.

1. though one could argue that it a) has been anyway and b) wasn’t established well enough in the first place to justify a statement of this kind
2. I also received my first paycheque so I’m spending my out-of-work hours resisting the urge to order things on Amazon because I can get free next-day delivery with Prime.

3. at least until I get tired of the 9-5 and decide to do a masters

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