Cart Abandonment Segments – GA Screencast

The new segment builder in GA (available to all users now!) offers one major improvement to the previous Advanced Segments feature. It was previously possible to segment based on visit data only, which made cross-session segmentation and analysis impossible by default.

The new segment builder allows conditions and sequences to be defined based on both visit and user data. This takes segmentation in GA from being an underused and limited feature to being a swiss army knife for intelligent analysis.

One of my own favourite use cases for the new segment builder is for cart abandonment analysis. In the following screencast I run through the process for creating two different types of cart abandonment segments.

Below the video there are links to the segments I create in the screencast for you to import and use for yourself.

Cart abandonment (visit)
Cart abandonment (user)

Please note: these segments assume the URL for the cart page on your site contains /cart. If this is not the case you will need to edit the conditions in both segments to suit your actual cart URL.

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Written by

Dara is CEO at Measurelab. He is an active member of the Google Analytics Partner community, a regular industry speaker and GA trainer.

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